Young Adult Book Recommendations
Really enjoyed this novel for multilple reasons:
1. Male protagonist in a love story.
2. The message that being smart and nerdy is cool.
3. The details this story provided about the lives and expectations many Korean-American kids live and face.
4. The message about the importance of friends and family.
I read this book in one sitting and I have had to sit and process everything I learned from this book. This Stonewall Honor Book is a must-have in all secondary libraries because I believe it could be so helpful to so many teens trying to figure out who they are. I also think it’s an essential read for educators and parents. I learned so much from this memoir (in graphic novel format) about the process, thoughts, emotions and trauma so many people have gone through, and are going through, on their journey to self-discovery and self-acceptance. Warning: mature content.
Loved the first book in the Heartstopper graphic novel series and loved the second one even more. Nick and Charlie continue to navigate their lives, their relationship, and their friends’ and family’s reaction to their budding romance. Looking forward to the third and fourth books in the series too!
Argentinian teen, Camila, desperately wants to play high-level fútbol like her older brother, but her dad would be angry if he discovered her talent because she’s a girl and because it seems an improper thing for her to do. Between falling in love, keeping secrets from her parents, and trying to be a strong student and daughter, Camila must believe in herself and stand up for what she wants, despite many obstacles, to pursue her dreams.
This gripping thriller will keep many teen readers reading to the very last page. 16yr old Cheyenne, who is blind, is accidentally kidnapped when she is resting in the back of her mom's car, as it is stolen. Told from both her perspective, and that one the young kidnapper, this story is both terrifying and gripping.
Considering that the book I talked about yesterday was about a potato who wants pants, this is quite the jump. Not sure where to start with this book. This book is brilliantly written and such a compelling read, and quite frankly, very scary. Micky is a rising star in the world of highschool softball with so many opportunities open to her. She gets into a terrible accident which nearly destroys her leg. She is given OxyContin in her recovery and becomes addicted as it becomes her crutch while simultaneously trying to cope with her pain and be ready for spring softball training. Her secret takes over her life and her lies to family and friends spin out of control. This book holds no punches and gives the reader an honest and haunting look into the life of an opioid addict. Such a powerful and important read.
Loved the fan-fiction and nerdy elements of this fantastic story. Also a really fun modern retelling of Cinderella.
A simple but beautiful love story between two highschool boys. The simple art matches perfectly with the idea behind the story that #loveislove and it’s really not any more complicated than that. Fantastic graphic novel and well worth a read! Definitely want to check out volume 2 now.
This autobiographical graphic novel is what so many teens need to read. Jarrett has a loving family, however, not the typical cookie cutter family. His mom is an addict in and out of jail and his father is not in the picture. His grandparents take him in and become his parents, giving him everything he needs in his life, and most importantly, love. With a mom who is facing her own demons, and an unknown father, Jarrett struggles to figure out who he is. A beautifully written graphic novel full of heart and some tough life question.