Picture Book Recommendations
Don’t Hug Doug reminds us that not everyone likes hugs and that we need to respect that. Having taught and worked with kids and adults for so long I have adopted the “ask first” policy when dealing with both kids and adults. I’m a hugger but I know that many people aren’t comfortable with them.
Who knew that a book written using only one word could be so delightful. Kids find it hilarious, and you will hear that one word- DUDE! -often after you read it.
Such a fun story about problem-solving. Ernest is too big to fit in this book and he and his small friend come together to find a fantastic solution.
The littles in our lives need our support as they face the world through all their big steps, challenges and scary times. It's hard to be brave sometimes but with someone to love and support them, our littles can do big things in this sometimes-scary world we live in.
A sweet story about letting kids adventure out into the world, but also let them always know they are connected to friends and family and home is there for them to come back to.
We have all experienced people who are important to us moving away, and this story will help young readers understand that their feelings around events like this are valid and common. I also love that it gives a glimpse into the future and shows that friendships don't always end when people move away.
Such beautiful illustrations and story about hope and keeping your dreams alive for all that is possible in the world. An important story for us to know and keep in our hearts as so many people in our world seek better lives for their families.
A great book to get kids interested in poetry- poems all about bugs.
A perfect book that shows kids they can be and do anything they want, despite what others might tell them.