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Picture Book Recommendations

A Cherokee story of gratitude. In the difficult times we have lived this year, this book is a great reminder that we still have so much for which to be grateful.

A Cherokee story of gratitude. In the difficult times we have lived this year, this book is a great reminder that we still have so much for which to be grateful.

A simply written story, yet one that so many kids will connect to. Mom and Dad have separated and dad lives in an apartment. The young boy goes to be with his dad on the weekend, and feels sad and misses him mom. When his dad returns him home, after a fun time together, on Sunday night, he gives his son a letter to remind him that even though they aren't always together, he is always loved.

A simply written story, yet one that so many kids will connect to. Mom and Dad have separated and dad lives in an apartment. The young boy goes to be with his dad on the weekend, and feels sad and misses him mom. When his dad returns him home, after a fun time together, on Sunday night, he gives his son a letter to remind him that even though they aren't always together, he is always loved.

A young child picks up a pop can up off the ground. We then get to see how this one act matters to so many.

A young child picks up a pop can up off the ground. We then get to see how this one act matters to so many.

I love this book for so many reasons - the beautiful pictures, the important message about why must protect our water, the #ownvoice author, and the value this book has for people of all ages. This should be in all school libraries and shared in classrooms and homes.

I love this book for so many reasons - the beautiful pictures, the important message about why must protect our water, the #ownvoice author, and the value this book has for people of all ages. This should be in all school libraries and shared in classrooms and homes.

The beginning gardener in me loves this story and how gardens can bring people and communities together.

The beginning gardener in me loves this story and how gardens can bring people and communities together.

A story that reminds us that giving from the heart is far more important than giving something worth a lot money-wise.

A story that reminds us that giving from the heart is far more important than giving something worth a lot money-wise.

We are all amazing just the way we are.

We are all amazing just the way we are.

Joe loves to play and have adventures. He is often asked what happened to him and others have a lot of speculation about what could have happened to him. What I love about this book most is that if offers a perspective of how Joe, and other kids is similar situations, might feel about these regular questions and being seen as different.

Joe loves to play and have adventures. He is often asked what happened to him and others have a lot of speculation about what could have happened to him. What I love about this book most is that if offers a perspective of how Joe, and other kids is similar situations, might feel about these regular questions and being seen as different.

Aidan was born a girl but early on he knew he was a boy. Over time he was able to share his feelings and needs to his parents and he became Aidan. Now he is about to become a big brother and he worries about how the baby will feel about themself when they are born. A wonderful book about family, being able to be who your are and loved no matter what.

Aidan was born a girl but early on he knew he was a boy. Over time he was able to share his feelings and needs to his parents and he became Aidan. Now he is about to become a big brother and he worries about how the baby will feel about themself when they are born. A wonderful book about family, being able to be who your are and loved no matter what.

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