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Picture Book Recommendations

Having never even heard of the giant solar power plant in Morocco I found this story about the work being done to create solar power very interesting. Told from the perspective of local kids who are learning about sustainable energy and what their country is doing to create it, makes this kid friendly and might even get kids thinking about sustainable energy where they live.

Having never even heard of the giant solar power plant in Morocco I found this story about the work being done to create solar power very interesting. Told from the perspective of local kids who are learning about sustainable energy and what their country is doing to create it, makes this kid friendly and might even get kids thinking about sustainable energy where they live.

I love the message in this book so much. A young boy is embarrassed to go to parties because his dad, who is a clown is usually there. He wishes his dad had a "normal" job and wasn't so embarrassing. The clown business dies down and his father returns to his previous job, that of a lawyer. The young boy sees that his dad isn't happy, however, he goes to work everyday and does his best. A friend of the young boy lands in the hospital and he suddenly realises what this friend needs, and pushes his dad back to his clowning, and joins him himself.

I love the message in this book so much. A young boy is embarrassed to go to parties because his dad, who is a clown is usually there. He wishes his dad had a "normal" job and wasn't so embarrassing. The clown business dies down and his father returns to his previous job, that of a lawyer. The young boy sees that his dad isn't happy, however, he goes to work everyday and does his best. A friend of the young boy lands in the hospital and he suddenly realises what this friend needs, and pushes his dad back to his clowning, and joins him himself.

People often talk about how others have things better than them, and that others' lives are more exciting. In this simple and sweet story, Spoon wishes he could be as amazing fork and as cool as knife. Little does he know that they wish they could be him.

People often talk about how others have things better than them, and that others' lives are more exciting. In this simple and sweet story, Spoon wishes he could be as amazing fork and as cool as knife. Little does he know that they wish they could be him.

The true story of Marie Tharp, a much lesser know scientist, but one who made a tremendous impact on our world. Marie Tharp was the first person to map our oceans and give us an understanding of what is below the surface of our oceans.

The true story of Marie Tharp, a much lesser know scientist, but one who made a tremendous impact on our world. Marie Tharp was the first person to map our oceans and give us an understanding of what is below the surface of our oceans.

I love the premise of this book, reminding us that the spaces around us are important. From sentences to cities, the spaces around us offer us better understanding and perspective in our world.

I love the premise of this book, reminding us that the spaces around us are important. From sentences to cities, the spaces around us offer us better understanding and perspective in our world.

First of all, I absolutely love the cover of this superb picture book. I also love the message of embracing who you are, and in this story in particular, your hair.
Stella is getting ready for gala and is finding that her beautiful Afro hair isn’t behaving right. She visits each of her aunts on their planets where they style her hair similar to theirs, but she doesn’t feel like any of the styles are quite right. Finally in her last visit, her aunt reminds Stella that while she has bits of all of her aunts in her, she is her own person and her hair is reflective of Stella, not her aunts. Stella takes that advice and creates a style that reflect her, and bits of her aunties as well.

First of all, I absolutely love the cover of this superb picture book. I also love the message of embracing who you are, and in this story in particular, your hair.
Stella is getting ready for gala and is finding that her beautiful Afro hair isn’t behaving right. She visits each of her aunts on their planets where they style her hair similar to theirs, but she doesn’t feel like any of the styles are quite right. Finally in her last visit, her aunt reminds Stella that while she has bits of all of her aunts in her, she is her own person and her hair is reflective of Stella, not her aunts. Stella takes that advice and creates a style that reflect her, and bits of her aunties as well.

This incredibly important book is one that should be in all classrooms right now, no matter the age of students. In this year and time of unrest about racial inequality, this story is beautifully written and touches on so many of the questions kids, both young and old, have about what is going on around us.

This incredibly important book is one that should be in all classrooms right now, no matter the age of students. In this year and time of unrest about racial inequality, this story is beautifully written and touches on so many of the questions kids, both young and old, have about what is going on around us.

A simply written picture book with a powerful message. This book reminds us to stand up and speak loudly for what is right.

A simply written picture book with a powerful message. This book reminds us to stand up and speak loudly for what is right.

This book caught my attention because of all the images in the book made from stones. Such a stunning way to tell a story! This refugee story is sure to captivate its readers and perhaps even entice them to try stone images themselves.

This book caught my attention because of all the images in the book made from stones. Such a stunning way to tell a story! This refugee story is sure to captivate its readers and perhaps even entice them to try stone images themselves.

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