Picture Book Recommendations
Wow! Amazing! Such an important story to be read! As soon as I finished this book I ordered a copy for myself. So many people hate their bodies and weight. This poignant book puts into words what so many people think everyday, and have thought, about their weight and body. The narrator’s self-loathing thoughts about her body are realistic and truthful and the cycles she goes through in terms of her own image reflect those that so many go through. Especially important in this book is the realizations the narrator comes to as to the origin of these thoughts and self-loathing. The illustration in black and white are spot on and reinforce the sadness this girl feels. One of my best reads this year!
What a wonderful book with a fantastic lesson that "some of the best things in the world are not one thing or the other, but in between, and kind of both, and something entirely fantastically their own." This young girl doesn't have a mummy or a daddy, but rather a Maddy and this book teaches us there is so much in the world that isn't one thing or another. Parent note at the back which shares that the term "Maddy" is sometimes used when a parent is transgender or gender diverse as well as strategies to help your child understand.
A beautiful story about the amazingness of the ocean, and how it is ever changing.
A beautiful story about a young girl getting to know her grandfather and understanding him better. The development of this understanding and love is lovingly told through the eyes of the young girl.
Love is love and no matter our family make-up our love for one another is the most important part.
A fabulous story about being who you are and being loved for you are. Such an important story to share.
This is one of those books that you need time to sit and really take in the stunning pictures and die-cuts, as well as the beautiful words. Learn all about what our friend Earth does for us.
A perfect book to share with kids struggling with anxiety. Monster represent that anxiety and how it’s always with you but this book also shows that we can learn to manage our monster (anxiety) too.
The story of a young boy who’s shadow is pink and who loves things that people around him says are “not for boys”. On his first day of school he is alarmed by how different he is from everyone else and runs back home. His dad finds him and they have a wonderful conversation about being who you are and that it doesn’t matter what you like versus others.