Picture Book Recommendations
This fun and silly book will bring on the laughs. Horse meets Dog and thinks he's a small horse while Dog thinks Horse is a giant dog. Egos flare as hilarity ensues.
A lovely picture book with an even lovelier message that we need to slow down and enjoy the moments we are living.
I love this picture book. I teach teenagers and all the complaints the narrator lists in his grievances against reading are what I often hear from my students - "that's so many words!" "You want me to read all those sentences?!" "This paragraph is soooo long". Such a fun read that many readers will connect to.
A fun explanation on how books come to be.
Beautiful picture book being perfect just the way we are.
Max declared he hates picture books and he is getting rid of all of them. The things they taught him and how unbelievable some are really bug him. But suddenly something occurs to him.
A beautiful autobiographical picture book about climber Ashima Shiraishi. We learn how she approaches each climb and the problem-solving process she goes through as she tackles difficult climbs. Great lessons in general about problem-solving too.
Written by Colin Kaepernick, this is his story of being a brown boy adopted by a white family and how proud he is of being different than his family because he knows how much he is loved. A beautiful story about adoption and loving who you are.
An important poem to share about the indigenous experience in the residential schools and how they lost their voices, stories and traditions there.