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Middle Grades Recommendations

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A pre-teen girl dealing with her mom's mental illness and her desperate need to fix her mom makes this incredible story a must read. With chapters set up in a STEM format, Natalie works tirelessly to win a science competition so that she can use the winnings to find her mom what she believes she needs. Honestly told, with touches of humour from Natalie's friends, this a fantastic read.

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I first read this book a year or so ago and it has stuck with me since. Jason witnesses his mom be arrested by immigration officers and it sure she is being deported. He recently has learned that his mom is in the USA illegally. Jason leaves to find his only family, his aunt, in NYC and on the way suffers an accident that lands him in hospital. In hospital, he meets a girl named Max, and together they escape the hospital in an attempt to find Jason's aunt. This fast-0ced story emphasizes the importance of family, friendship and staying hopeful.

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Loved this book so much! From my favourite genre of historical fiction this beauty is about having the strength to fight for what you want and being brave enough to find a better life. Even better, there's a sequel.

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Just finished this fantastic book. Friendship, figuring out who you are and our need to be extraordinary are themes in this novel.

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Came across this series in the last few weeks, and quite enjoyed this quiet and gentle graphic novel fantasy about the Tea Dragon Society.

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Now that we gotten through April, I wanted to talk about this gem of a book. I loved Stacy McAnulty's The Miscalculations of Lightning Girl and really enjoyed this follow-up novel. Eleanor has lived much of her life around her survivalist grandfather and when she reads that Harvard scientist is predicting the end of the world (by asteroid) will be in April, she goes into full-on planning mode to ensure the people she loves most will be ok. This is a beautiful story of friendship and understanding that perhaps all that we hear online isn't true.

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I loved Warga’s book, Other Words for Home, and enjoyed this one just as much. Two young girls, Cora and Quinn, have both faced tremendous loss and their stories are intertwined in a devastating and horrific way. Can these two find a way to reconnect and rebuild their friendship, despite the tragedy they both have faced?

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A YRCA contender this year at the intermediate level, and a book I so loved reading. Mystery, finding true friendship and learning to believe in yourself is all part of this amazing book.

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I can't put it into words how grateful I am for this graphic novel. 150 years of Canadian history retold through the eyes of indigenous people. I know that the history I learned in school was the Eurocentric perspective and this book taught me so much and gave me an entirely different view of our history. This book should be in every grade 4+ classroom and every Canadian home. Brilliantly told by numerous #ownvoice indigenous writers/illustrators, this book should be part of our curriculum and reading list on Canadian history. This book will stay with me for a long time, and I hope it will open the minds of many and force us to realise we must do better. I also love that it is in the format of a graphic novel, making our history more accessible to people.

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